PMH Consulting & Trading Alliance
Transparency creates clarity.




Don´t worry.

Cookie Policy & Privacy Statement

In order to demonstrate a firm commitment to privacy, PMH Consulting & Trading Alliance (hereinafter also referred to as: ‘PMH Consulting’, ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’) has created a Cookie Policy and Privacy Statement. This statement applies to anyone who visits our website, and it outlines our use of cookies, what type of cookies we use, the information we collect, and how that information is used. 

What are cookies?
Cookies are text files. They contain a small amount of information, and are stored in your browser or on the hard drive of your computer or device.

How do we use cookies?
We use cookies to collect information about how you navigate our website. They enable us to create a user experience most relevant to your interests, help inform relevant advertising, and help us improve website functionality.

What type of cookies do we use?
Find an overview of the cookies we use below. 

•    Analytical/performance cookies. These cookies allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors to our website, and see how they are using it. They help us improve the way the website works to ensure users find what they’re looking for easily and efficiently. The data is stored for a maximum of two years. 

•    Targeting cookies. These cookies record the pages you have visited and the links you have followed on our website. With your permission, this information will enable us to make our website, and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. It also helps prevent repetitive or irrelevant advertising. We may share this information with third parties for this purpose. The data is stored for a maximum of two years. 

What kind of information do we collect by using cookies?
When you visit our website, we may automatically collect the following information from you: Your internet protocol (IP) address, time zone setting, operating system and platform, information about your visits including the URL you came from. Your country, products you have viewed or searched, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and the methods used to browse away from the page may also be collected. The data we obtain will be ‘anonymised’, but as some of the above data can qualify as personal data, we require your consent. By accepting this policy you give us the required consent. 

How do I block cookies or withdraw my consent? 
Most browsers allow you to refuse cookies. You may refuse the placement of all or some of our cookies by activating the setting in your browser. If you wish to withdraw your consent, you can do so at any time by deleting the cookies in the same browser. Please note that this procedure differs per internet browser. We recommend you follow the instructions, or use the browser help function to tailor your cookie settings. 
Please be aware that if cookies are disabled or removed, not all features of our website and advertising may operate as intended.

Can we change this Cookie Policy? 
We may update our cookie policy from time to time. Changes in technology, legislation, or regulation, may require modifications to this policy. When these changes are significant, or impact your privacy rights, we may inform you about the changes made. 

Your privacy matters to PMH Consulting’

PMH Consulting’ respects your privacy, and any personal information that you provide will be treated in confidence, and with the application of reasonable standards of security. PMH Consulting’ collects information from you in two ways:
1.    Email. If you choose to contact PMH Consulting’ via email, your details will be used only for the purposes for which you intended. When your email has been actioned, the original message will be retained by PMH Consulting’ for a reasonable period of time. Note: Email is a not a fully secure method of communication. If there are details which for any reason you do not wish to send via email, you should contact PMH Consulting’ by post or telephone. Contact details may be found at the bottom of our website
2.    Web Technical Logs. Technical details of your visit to PMH Consulting’ are recorded for business reasons. None of this information can be used to ascertain your identity.
3.    Information obtained with cookies. This information is used for the purposes described above and is stored for a maximum of two years. 

What are your rights regarding the personal information we have obtained from you?
You can always request an overview of the personal data we have collected from you, and you have the right to demand rectification and erasure of your personal data, free of charge. You may also object to the processing of your personal data.

